One of the things I mostly hate of spring is the difficulty I meet almost daily in the choice of the outfit to wear. Why ? Well , the answer is simple ! In the morning the weather is cool and pleasant , and at midday -at least here in Naples- you are caught by the desire to go out with t-shirt and shorts.
About this , the look that I propose you today is a viable solution to this little daily problem ! I chose , in fact , a very light and classic base matching a pair of jeans and a cotton tank top with a light long coat but absolutely fascinating and effect !So , early in the morning and in the afternoon I can stay warm with a glamour touch, and during the hottest hours I can free myself from the coat giving space to a basic but chic look !
For this reason, the choice of the right accessories will be important to avoid to be banal with classic and essential look . I opted for a pair of metal rose quartz low heeled shoes – in line with the trends of 2016 – and a quilted bag with natural tones that I can also wear on my shoulder .
What do you think about it?
Ph. Roberta Sabatelli
Items by Bisignano 27
Coat and shirt – HOPE
Bag – ZARA
Shoes – ASOS